Mircrosoft excel student discount
Mircrosoft excel student discount


Student Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Average Result Luc 8 15 9 10.67 Pass Estelle Estell e 4 15 16 11.67 Pass Laurent 11 6 8 8.33 Fail Paul 17 16 3 12.00 Good Léa 17 18 10 15.00 Very Good Murielle 6 5 13 8.00 Fail Thierry 18 19 15 17.33 Excellent Result : =IF(E2D2,C2-D2,0)*B2 =IF(C2>D2,C2 -D2,0)*B2 Grand Total : =E7-F7Įvans 2500 900 800 250 Henry 2000 150 250 900 Jake 2200 100 300 500 Neil 2500 450 250 400 Zack 2400 150 100 400 Allowance 1 : IF (Tot Sale >= 1000, Basic*35%, IF (Tot Sale >= 800,Basic*25%, "Try Again" ) ) Allowance 2 : IF (OR (Tot Sale > 800, Basic = 2500), 1000, 500 ) Allowance 3 : IF (AND (Tot Sale > 800, Basic = 2500), 1000, 500) E x e r c i s e – 1 2ģ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Īnand Ankit Man 80,000 Married 1 Garg Gaurav Man 67,000 Marri ed Married 0 Mishra Raghav Man 35,000 Relationship Relationsh ip 0 Kumar Rohit Man 77,000 Single 0 Kumar Manish Man 70,000 Married 3 Gupta Rahul Man 23,000 Single 3 Goyal Sakshi Woman 97,000 Relationship Relationsh ip 1 Singh Anurag Man 26,000 Divorced 3 Agarwal Shivani Woman 89,000 Relationship Relationsh ip 0 Sharma Anjali Woman 77,000 Single 2 Mishra Pritam Man 34,000 Divorced 0 Kumar Ashutosh Man 61,000 Relationship Relationsh ip 2 Pathak Soumitra Woman 27,000 Single 0 Gupta Soubhagya Woman 72,000 Divorced 3 Kumar Amit Man 85,000 Relationship Relationsh ip 1 Latha Sneha Woman 84,000 Single 3 Jain Akhil Man 50,000 Single 2 Chopra Shantanu Man 31,000 Single 0 Questions 1: How many clients are married with one child? 2: How many clients are single or divorced? 3: How many clients are married with an income above 75,000? 4: How many clients are male, unmarried and without children 5: How many clients are women with 1 or 2 children? 6: How many clients are married or in relationship, with an income greater than or equal to 50,000 and have at least two children. Result Win Tie Win Lose Microsoft Advanced Excel Result Result Team 2 0 DDD 1 1 EEE 3 1 RRR 0 1 JJJ JJ J =IF(B2>C2,"Win",IF(B2C2 ,"Win",IF(B2 Result Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass Fail Pass Student Luc Estelle Laurent Paul Léa Murielle Thierry E x e r c i s e – Name Sales Alan 10 Carol 2000 =IF(B2>=C2,B2*10%,B2*5%) =IF(B2>=C 2,B2*10%,B2*5%)Į x e r c i s e – 3 Write a function which returns if the student Pass or Fail if the t he average mark is greater than 10 Result Not Achieved Achieved Not Achieved You would have this package installed if you were using the former UBC O365 student subscription.Name Sales Target Alan 1Carol 2000 4000 = IF ( B2>= C2, "Achieved", "Not Achieved" )

  • To get started, please check if you already have OfficeProPlus installed on your computer.

  • Sign in using your email and CWL password.
  • You will also automatically get access to MS Teams and OneDrive within 48 hrs.
  • Your will be created within 2 hrs and.
  • (Optional) Rename your CWL ID if desired as it will become part of your email address.
  • If you already signed up for UBC Student Email, please proceed to Step 2: Sign into.
  • This service is currently offered to UBC Students at no cost.
  • An active UBC Student Email mailbox with a address.
  • The following Microsoft 365 Office applications are included:.
  • Freely access Office applications at no cost.
  • Increase productivity in study and learning by using Microsoft 365 Office apps.

  • Students can easily download Microsoft 365 Office by signing up for M365 account using UBC Student email.
  • Microsoft 365 Office applications can work across multiple devices (up to five PCs or Macs, five tablets, and five phones per user) simultaneously.


    Currently registered UBC students with student email are qualified for a free Microsoft 365 Office download. Microsoft 365 Office offers a range of Microsoft applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote.

    Mircrosoft excel student discount